A Passion for Music.

A Passion for Music.

In a week and 6 days, we’ll leave for the Philippines! It is getting very close now. Each and every one of our group got responsibility over a specific part of the trip. My part: music and worship. Awesome, right? This means that I have to lead our Mission Class Worship Team, making sure that things sound good and that we can bring some kind of finished product. Last weekend we got the opportunity to try out playing together in a church setting. In Christiansfeld (a village a little further) people had organized an evening of prayer. We got together in a church like building; approximately 75 people were there. In the end of the evening we would get the chance to sing some songs together. We were supposed to bring a computer with the lyrics and the chords on paper for ourselves. When we arrived there, we discovered not only that the key to the building was lost, but we also realized that we only brought one set of chords, that there was only 9% battery left on the iPad and that we forgot the computer for the lyrics. In other word: one big disaster. Luckily we did have one set of the chords, so we could play. The moment was there; I had to go and sit behind the piano and started playing, accompanied by three other students. What a time of singing and praising God we had! We prepared known songs, so the people could easily sing along without the lyrics. It sounded like a whole choir was singing along, because of the acoustics of the place. Not 75 people, but more something like 275. Powerful and awesome to experience. I enjoy singing out praises to God so much, declaring God’s majesty all together… Feeling and realizing that He is there, receiving our songs with joy. Indescribable.

Last Thursday in Fire in the Night (FITN), we had another musical climax. It didn’t feel like it at the moment, but afterwards we heard that it was very powerful. Together with Rein and one of the staff members, we got the opportunity to fill the last hour of FITN with our songs. It felt like we weren’t tuned in with each other, but you have to keep on playing. Stopping is not an option. At one point we started singing Forever of Kari Jobe. What a song and what a power. Afterwards I heard that the presence of the Lord filled the room through our worship. The harmonies between us as worship team were almost so powerful that they had to stop doing what they were doing to stand still for a moment. Amazing. This is what I want, that people meet God through music and songs that I play, together with others. That people experience something of God’s presence, love and holiness through the worship. So powerful that it’s almost impossible to deny who He is.

I love to see that I get musically challenged, so that I can grow. I didn’t believe what I said Friday before the Mr. B; I offered to sing a song during the café. That I, voluntarily, just because I can, would sing a song in front of people. Not in class, because I’m teaching a song to the pupils, not in church, because we do it there anyway, but on an evening, where people are just sitting and listening to me, because what I do is good (boasting once in a while can be healthy). I did get the help of one of my friends, but still. Playing and making music is awesome, I want to use my talents to make a difference. I got them, so working with them is what I’m supposed to do. It’s only by using our talents that we grow in them. It’s never too late!


  1. Helemaal super meis, ik wou dat ik erbij was bij Mr B.
    Grenzen verleggen en er voor gaan super gewoon. Samen met onze Vader kan dat ook zo maar. Hij doet datgene wat wij niet kunnen.
    Liefs en tot donderdag, mama

  2. Lieve Caressa,
    Met ontroering en bewogenheid je blog gelezen. Grandioos hoe je aan het groeien bent en wat Gods Geest door je heen kan doen en blijven doen. Dichter naar Zijn hart groeien, je ‘koffie met Jezus’ tijden niet vergeten en Hem blijven ontmoeten. Dan kan het niet anders dan dat Zijn tegenwoordigheid een ruimte in komt wanneer je achter de piano kruipt en gaat spelen vanuit Zijn zalving!
    Heerlijk om te lezen. FANTASTISCH. Ben trots op je!!!
    Dikke knuffel.
    Ik hou van je!

  3. Lieve Caressa,
    Met kippenvel en ontroering heb ik je blog gelezen. Het leek wel alsof ik Zijn zalving van de beide diensten kon ervaren, in Christansfeldt en the fire in the night avond.
    Grandioos om te lezen hoe j aan het groeien bent en God Zijn tegenwoordigheid ruimte krijgt, wanneer je achter de piano kruipt. Heerlijk gewoon.
    Hij vormt je en brengt je dichter bij Zijn hart. Blijf je ‘koffie met Jezus’ momenten onderhouden en je merkt dat je relatie met Hem nog intiemer wordt!
    Wat ben ik trots op je! Dikke kus en knuffel!!!
    Ik hou van je.

    • Lieve Caressa,
      Geweldig om te lezen, dat je je plaats hebt gevonden in de muziek.
      God zal heel blij zijn als Hij dat allemaal hoort en ziet.
      Spijtig dat wij er nooit bij kunnen zijn.
      Maar wij vinden jou en Rein zeer moedig.
      Een hele goede reis naar de Filipijnen en Gods zegen toe gebeden.

      Liefs,Papa Rein en Mama Marjan.XXX

  4. Hoi Caressa..LEVEN EN VREUGDE…ga zo door, HIJ geniet en wij ook
    fijn te lezen dat je uit je bootje stapt en op water durft te gaan lopen met Hem aan je zijde…heerlijk om bovennatuurlijkE BEWEGING TE ZIEN GEBEUREN
    ga vrijmoedig verder en……alvast een gezellige tijd met je verjaardag….een toppie dagje gewenst lieve zus…groetjes.D

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