Posts Tagged "toby mac"

Step out of your comfort zone 2

Step out of your comfort zone

Posted by on September 6, 2015, 8:00 PM in Bible College

In the mean while the first of September has passed, the Belgian kids and teenagers are back at school. It’s a long time ago that the beginning of September was my beginning of school. If I ever start working as a high school teacher, which my diploma tells me I should do, I will have this feeling again. For now, it’ something far away, if it ever happens at all. Here at IABC we have been running a full-time program for the last three weeks. I’m not going to class anymore, and I’m also not teaching yet. It still remains a search for possibilities, tasks and a job description. Sometimes I feel like I’m not doing enough, everyone else seems so busy, or at least what they look like. People know what is expected from them, most of them are here for a longer period, but not me. I’m trying out a little. And that is part of the problem. I think I’m only trying, but doing pretty well. Or just well. Let’s get rid of this Belgian modesty. We are working on it. Last week we had the pleasure of having Stephen Graham in our midst. A principal of an Apostolic Bible college in New Zealand. A man who got called by...

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